Uniting Church NSW/ACT Census


Dear Minister/Secretary/Church Administrator,

Following the significant resolutions of the Synod Meeting in July, I want to encourage you to take the next steps – helping us to check in with congregations to inform our decisions through a Church Census.

Your support in the Census will help us set priorities for resourcing mission. This data will provide a baseline for measuring progress as we work toward participating more effectively in the mission of Christ together and making a difference in our communities in the name of Jesus.

Each church received an introductory email as well as a letter and paper survey in the post.

Church Census ID: At the top of the email or your paper survey you will find your unique ‘Church Census ID’. To begin, type your Church Census ID into the box below.

Need help? If you have any questions, please email ucacensus@ncls.org.au.

Please take part because everyone counts in the story of God’s pilgrim people!

Kind regards,
Rev Simon Hansford
Moderator, Synod of NSW and the ACT

To begin, type your Church Census ID into the box below.

Church Census ID